Parsimony - How to set up an Email Alert
By Michael Pinkowski on July 10, 2020
BeginnerHere is how to set up an Email Alert:
- Click on the Parsimony "P" in the top left hand corner and look for "Control Alerts" on the Archive and Alert card. Or you can see the page here: https:/{yourSubdomain}
- You might see an empty grid, if there aren't any Alerts configured yet.
- Click on "New" in the upper right-hand corner to begin creating a new Alert.
- Make sure that the "Enabled" box is checked.
- In the "Alert Type" drop down choose "Email"
- In the "Recipients" box, enter as many email addresses as you want. But only include one address per line.
- In the "Alert Timings" window, choose up to any 12 hour window of time with the "From Time" (Start) and "To Time"(Finish). All times are "local" depending on the time zone that was set up for the account.
- In the "Top Box" Select (or deselect) the items that you want to be alerted on. For instance, if you know that your item has significant volatility in their Best Sellers Rank (BSR) you might not want to receive alerts for every change. You can uncheck the box and you will not be Alerted to those changes.
- Review the selections in the "Ratings and Review" box as well.
- When you have completed your selections, just click on the "Save" button in the top right hand corner.
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